Sexual Problems In Men and Treatment

Sexual dysfunction is the inability to fully enjoy sexual intercourse. Specifically, sexual dysfunction is a group of disorders that interfere with a full sexual responsiveness. These disorders make it difficult for a person to enjoy or to have sexual intercourse. While sexual dysfunction rarely threatens physical health, it can take a heavy psychological toll, bringing on depression, anxiety, and debilitating feelings of inadequacy.


Sexual dysfunction takes different forms in men and women. A dysfunction can be lifelong and always present, or it can be temporary and sporadic. It can be situational or generalized. In either gender, symptoms of a sexual problem include the lack or loss of sexual desire, anxiety during intercourse, pain during intercourse, or the inability to achieve orgasm.

 In addition, a man may have a sexual problem if he:

  • ·         Ejaculates before he or his partner desires.

  • ·         Does not ejaculate, or experiences delayed ejaculation.

  • ·         Is unable to have or maintain an erection sufficient for pleasurable intercourse.


The most common sexual dysfunctions in men include 

  • Erectile dysfunction: an impairment of a man’s ability to have or maintain an erection that is firm enough for coitus or intercourse.

  • ·         Premature ejaculation, or rapid ejaculation, with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it.

  • Ejaculatory incompetence: the inability to ejaculate within the vagina despite a firm erection and relatively high levels of sexual arousal.

  •  Retarded ejaculation: a condition in which the bladder neck does not close off properly during orgasm so that the semen spurts backward into the bladder.


Causes of Sexual Problems

  •  Infections like staphylococcus, Chlamydia, syphilis, herpes and drugs of abuse are among the physical influences

  •  Bad blood cholesterol levels, may also affect sexual functioning.

  •  Chemicals and other environmental pollutants depress sexual function.

  •  Psychological problems such as anxiety. If a man operates under the misconception that all sexual activity must lead to intercourse and to orgasm by his partner, he may consider the act a failure if his expectations are not met.

Treatment  of sexual dysfunction

  • ·         Beneficial supplements and herbs include gingko biloba present in memorite, improves circulation to the genitals and has been shown to be effective in a number of studies.

  • 40 plus for men which contains saw palmetto, zinc, lecithin and pumpkin seed extracts helps in repair of damaged cells and prevent prostrate problems, increase sperm counts.

  • Aloe power which contains ginseng, aloe bitters, aloe vera, sutherlandia, Chinese green tea helps to remove bad cholesterol and toxins from the system. When used with 40 plus for men, helps treat weak erection and weak ejaculation.

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  1. Who Is Affected by Sexual Dysfunction?
    Both men and women are affected by sexual dysfunction. Sexual problems occur in adults of all ages.if you have any sexual problem.don't be shy.Visit Dr Vinod Raina Clinic & Booked Appointment Online or Call Now 9873322916
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