Staphylococcal infections are communicable infections caused by staph organisms and often characterized by the formation of abscesses. They are the leading cause of primary infections originating in hospitals (nosocomial infections).
Classified as among the deadliest of all disease-causing organisms, staph exists on the skin or inside the nostrils of 20-30% of healthy people. These bacteria are sometimes found in bosom tissue, the mouth, and the genital, urinary and upper respiratory tracts.
Although staph bacteria are usually harmless unless when a break in the skin enables the organisms to invade the body and overcome the body's natural defences (the immune system)
Infection is most apt to occur in:
•newborns (especially those born prematurely)
• women who are breastfeeding.
•persons whose immune system have been weakened by radiation treatments, chemoterapy, HIV, or medication.
•intravenous drug users.
•those with surgical incisions, skin disorders, and serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and lung disease.
>Body contact through fluid of an infected person.
>unprotected sex with an infected person.
>public toilet that is not hygienic
>food prepared by an infected person.
>through the air from sneezing (very rare)
Staphylococcus aureus together with staph pyogenes is known to be a major producer of superantigens, which are bacterial toxins that trigger abnormal and excessive activation of T-cells. superantigens are being studied intensively for their roles in causing disease.
Staph aureus causes:
>pockets of infection and pus under the skin (carbuncles)
>tissue inflammation that spread below the skin (cellulitis)
>inflamation of the valves and walls of the heart (endocarditis)
>wormlike moving sensation.
>noisy stomach.
>blistering, peeling, or scaling of the skin.
In many cases, staph contamination in hospitals is made worse by overprescribing and misuse of antibiotics. The result is the emergence of strains of staph aureus that are resistant to antibiotics.
To prevent infection from spreading from one part of the body to another, it is important to shower rather than bathe during the healing process. Because staph infection is easily transmitted from one member of a household to others, towels, washcloths, and bed linens used by someone with a staph infection should not be used by someone else. They should be changed daily until symptoms disappear, and laundered separately in hot water with bleach.
A diet rich in green, yellow, and orange vegetables can bolster natural immunity. Take vitamins and mineral supplements to compensate for dietary difficiencies. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day can help flush disease-causing organisms from the body.
Among the therapies believed to be helpful for person with staph infection are yoga (to stimulate the immune system and promote relaxation), acupuncture ( to draw heat away from the infection), and herbal remedies.
Herbs that may help the body overcome, or withstand staph infection are found 3 combination of supplements ( Aloe power, African potato and Defender)

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