I am sure you have heard about cleansing from one place or another, maybe it was about cleansing your colon or detoxifying your liver. While it may seem like a new fad, cleansing has been around for thousands of years, used by the Japanese, Egyptians and Native Americans. Cleansing has been used as a natural way to keep the body healthy and may be one of the most beneficial things to do before you get pregnant.
The time while you are preparing for conception is one of the most important times to create a healthy body in preparation for pregnancy. It is also the best time to do a fertility cleanse. Fertility cleansing is a way to support the body in preparation for conception by cleansing the uterus and liver. Afertility cleanseencourages the liver to cleanse the body of toxins and excess hormones. It also supports the uterus to cleanse itself of old stagnant blood and increases circulation to the uterus while tonifying the uterine tissues. Note: Do not cleanse during pregnancy or breastfeeding. You do not want to expose your baby to your body’s toxins as they circulate in your blood on the way out. Why fertility cleanse? Over the years the body can accumulate toxins from chemicals in the air, earth, water and from substances we consume daily or slather on our skin. Many of these toxins get stored in the fat tissues of the body and can be released quicker through cleansing. Some of these toxins may be left from:
*Hormonal birth control
*.Cigarette smoke
*.Excess hormones
*.Poor diet
Ideally, you would like your body to be as healthy as possible during pregnancy, through cleansing you are able to support the body in its natural ability to rid itself of these substances. While cleansing is beneficial, not just any cleanse is going to be beneficial for fertility. A fertility cleanse is specific to the reproductive system and assists the body in eliminating the additional burden of substances not good for fertility. A fertility cleanse focuses on three major areas that can help the body to prepare for conception.
The liver helps to filter toxins from the body including excess hormones. If there is an over abundance of estrogen it is the liver’s job to remove it from the system. Sometimes, due to poor diet, lifestyle or general health, the liver may need some stimulation and support to get rid of these substances. By using whole herbs to support the liver you are helping your body to better cope with our industrial world and the impact it could be having on your reproductive health. I will cover these herbs below.
Uterine health is very important for reproductive health. Every cycle the uterus is supposed to release the lining that was built that month for the embryo to implant. In some cases the uterus is not completely cleansed everycycle, so old stagnant blood remains. As you can imagine, this is not the best environment to house a new embryo. What causes the uterus to not fully release its contents every month? Some factors may be…
*Low circulation
*Hormonal imbalance
*.Unhealthy diet
*.Misplaced uterus
Through the use of specific cleansing and uterine herbs you can help support your uterine health, increase circulation and help tonify the uterine muscles, all helping to promote a healthy uterine environment.
In order for the uterus to function at its best, it requires proper circulation. With proper circulation, the communication loop between the uterus and ovaries, with the rest of the endocrine system, is able to function smoothly. This is necessary for proper hormonal balance and all of the functions dependent on it such as ovulation, menstruation, and hormone production. Herbs may be beneficial in helping to increase the circulation to the uterus, as well as exercise and massage.
*Do You Need To Cleanse?
*Do you experience PMS?
*Do you experience unexplained fatigue?
*Do you feel congested?
*Have you been on birth control?
*Do you have acne?
*Do you have less than 1 bowel movement a day?
*Do you have dark circles under your eyes?
*Do you have liver spots or itchy skin?
*Have you been on medication or antibiotics for longer than 1 week?
*During your menses do you have dark blood, cramps, or blood clots?
*Do you eat conventional meats and dairy?
*Are you experiencing hormonal imbalance?
*Do you experience frequent colds and flu?
ALOE POWER: This product contains herbs like Aloe vera, Aloe bitters, ginseng, Chinese green tea, sutherlandia and vitamin C. Aloe power helps to cleanse the liver to remove excess hormones and toxins from the reproductive system. It also prevent menstrual pain and prevent heavy flow. Ginseng in this product is purported to tone the muscles of the uterus, which may improve the fetus' ability to implant in the uterus after conception. Ginseng, may increase a woman's egg follicle development, which can increase her chances of fertilization.
SUPER CIDER: This product contains apple cider vinegar, apple pectin, kelp and soy proteins. This product help you maintain alkalinity (pH level) in the body which is good for your health and it gives a chance for the y-bearing chromosome to survive longer, giving the chance to conceive a male child. Kelp found in supervised is a seaweed that has many nutritional benefits. The hormonal system uses minerals and trace elements so richly available from kelp to repair tissue, build new cells, and create hormones responsible for regulating blood pressure, metabolism, fertility, sexuality, and reaction to allergens.
DEFENDER: This product contains garlic, grape seed, parsley leaf extracts with beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin C and E. Defender is a strong antioxidant. It helps to destroy the damaging effect of free radicals in the body, prevents cancer cell growth. The selenium content helps to boost fertility in women. Selenium helps protect against birth defects and miscarriage. It is important for egg production.
Swissgarde products for fertility cleanse are;
Aloe Power
Super cider.
For more info or to place an order call 08183808324 or whatsapp 08136478517.
Host: Your health solution provider, Chigozirim Dennis.
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