Natural Ways to Control High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension also
known as high blood pressure is a condition in which the longterm force of the blood against the artery wall is high enough.This is the major cause of;
*heart disease
*Enlarged heart
*kidney damage

Blood pressure is determined both by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amounts of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.You can have high blood pressure for years without any symptom. Even without symptoms, damage to blood vessels and your heart continues and can be detected.

Blood pressure measurements are classified in stages according to severity:

• normal blood pressure: lower than 130/85 mm Hg
• high normal: 130–139/85–89 mm Hg
• mild hypertension: 140–159/90–99 mm Hg
• moderate hypertension: 160–179/100–109 mm Hg
• severe hypertension: 180–209/110–119
• very severe hypertension: 210/120 or higher


The cause of hypertension is not known in 90–95% of the people who have  it. Hypertension without a known cause is called primary or essential hypertension.  When a person has hypertension caused by another medical condition, it is called secondary hypertension.

Although genetic factor play a role, dietary, lifestyle, psychological and environmental factors are the underlying causes in most cases of high BP. Dietary factors include high calorie consumption, high sodium-to-potassium ratio, low fiber, high sugar diet, consumption of saturated fats, low consumption of omega 3 fatty,  acids, a diet low in calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. Important lifestyle factors that may cause high BP includes stress, lack of exercise and smoking. The dietary factor that has received the greatest attention is salt intake. Between 40% to 60% of people with high blood pressure are salt-sensitive.

Exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic may also be significant factors in some patients. The kidneys takes the primary role in elimination heavy metals. So these metals concentrate there and disrupt the kidneys ability to retain the body's fluid volume; this disruption results in sodium and water retention.


There is no cure for primary hypertension, but blood pressure can almost always be lowered with the correct treatment. The goal of treatment is to lower blood pressure to levels that will prevent heart disease and other complications of hypertension. In secondary hypertension, the disease that is responsible for the hypertension is treated in addition to the hypertension itself. Successful treatment of the underlying disorder may cure the secondary hypertension.

A comprehensive program that utilizes lifestyle, dietary, and supplemental strategies to lower high blood pressure is recommended. Patients with mild or moderate hypertension who do not have damage to the heart or kidneys may first be treated primarily with lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle changes that may reduce blood pressure by about 5–10 mm Hg include:

• reducing salt intake
• reducing fat intake
• losing weight
• getting regular exercise
• quitting  smoking
• reducing alcohol consumption
• managing stress

Natural remedies approved by a physician may also lower or even prevent hypertension.  Aromatherapy as a treatment option uses  essential oils either inhaled from a bottle in times of anxiety or massaged daily into the skin at bedtime in the area beneath the collarbone. Blue chamomile and  lavender are known for their stress relief and  relaxation effects. Food therapy has also been shown to affect blood pressure. Muscles that regulate blood pressure have  been noted to dilate with the intake of celery; celery juice has also been found to have  a mild diuretic effect. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in  potassium and magnesium, lowers systemic  sodium and fluid levels in the circulatory system. A 2001 study showed that reducing intake of sodium decreases blood pressure in participants with or without hypertension. Garlic intake has also been linked with lowering blood pressures. Taken either via enteric-coated capsules or fresh garlic cloves, allicin is thought to be the ingredient that brings down the blood pressure.

Relaxation and  meditation can help lower blood pressure. Focusing on relaxing music can also slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure, as can imagery (envisioning coolness seeping into the pores and throughout the body, sensing that blood pressure is within normal range).  Yoga experts cite two specific poses, the corpse pose and the knee squeeze, when used in combination with breathing exercises, as being particularly helpful in relieving tension and improving blood flow.

Supplements are made with natural herbs and plant extracts. Supplementation helps  in adding nutrients missing in the body and have healing capabilities. There are no known side effects. Swissgarde supplements for hypertension includes;
Aloe Power
Omega plus
Cal c Mag

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